Friday, November 6, 2020


TO: President Elect Joseph R. Biden

FROM: Jonathan D. Phillips aka The Ranter

RE: How You Spend Your Next Two Months. 

Dear Mr. Biden:

I want to congratulate you on what I perceive to be your imminent victory.  I'm sure it is a moment of great relief and celebration for your campaign, as it is for many Americans like myself who forewarned of the direction this Democracy of ours appeared to be heading.  I'm certain there have been a lot of long nights of lost sleep and deep thought - I know there have been for me.  It feels a lot like we've been through a war.  In some ways, I would say we have been -- the nation is nearly as divided as it was in 1865 when the Civil War ended.

At that time, and before his assassination, Abraham Lincoln focused not on celebration, nor on pointing any fingers, but on binding up the nations wounds.  "With malice toward none, with charity for all...." he would say.

In essence, you find yourself in a similar situation.  The disparity of between the classes, the educational gaps between the suburban and urban areas could easily be compared to those times.

You have the opportunity to be our next Lincoln - to reunite this country.

If this electoral vote falls the way we now expect, I implore you to hear Lincoln's words and spend the next two months during President Trump's lame duck period going state to state to the counties that don't get to see you because they lack any expectation from your campaign of votes, and meet those people face to face: The Dakotas, Montana, Mississippi, Alabama, Idaho, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, etc.

Start a GO FUND ME page to raise the costs of the trip if need be, and go meet, listen and see the people that have so much distrust of a Democrat in their hearts and souls they would rather choose an openly sexist, bigoted, shallow con man over the kind-hearted lifelong servant I know you are.

You are right; this is a battle for the soul of our nation.  You have likely won it for now, but not in a way that provides for a basis for celebration, but in a way that leaves many Americans despondent, including Democrats like myself who see few inroads being made in these areas.

Heal the nation, sir.

Our children have witnessed the last four years of dishonesty, distrust and misinformation.  Allow those children to heal and see just a promising glimpse of the next four.

I wish you all the best Mr. President Elect.


Jonathan D. Phillips

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